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Values and Principles


What is Permaculture?:

Permaculture is a set of values and principles conducive to the harmonious integration of people, plants and animals within an ecosystem. "Permaculture is a design discipline based on the foundational ecological principles of nature." It's a process of taking one's observations of natural systems and applying the lessons learned to the human based environment. Permaculture is something we "use" to discover what to "do". It is a road map to finding our small place in the world as an integral part of the whole planetary system. Care For Earth. Care For People. Return The Surplus.” Permaculture is a harmonious integration of the natural landscape design with human culture, providing food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable, resilient, diverse and stable way.  Permaculture is the conscious design of cultivated ecosystems that have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural systems. Permaculture  is a harmonious integration of people into the landscape in such a way that it grows richness, productiveness and aesthetic beauty.  Permaculture is a diverse complex ecosystem where the elements interact in mutually beneficial ways to produce a whole which is greater than the sum of its parts. Permaculture generates a harmonious balance among all forms of life in an ecosystem. Permaculture works with, rather than against nature. Permaculture is the design and creation of self-sustaining productive systems.


What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity “is the term given to the variety of life on Earth. It is the variety within and between all species of plants, animals and microorganisms and the ecosystems within which they live and interact.” “It also refers to the multitude of different ecosystems in which species form unique communities, interacting with one another and the air, water and soil.” “All species depend on other species for survival. Ecosystems vary in size. A large stand of forest or a small pond can each be described as an ecosystem.  Ecosystem diversity refers to the variety of ecosystems in a given place. Within any broader landscape there is a mosaic of interconnected ecosystems. To conserve biodiversity, conservation at the landscape level is critical. This enables the protection of a representative array of interacting ecosystems and their associated species and genetic diversity.”


What is Sustainability?  

Sustainability has made a prominent place in public discourse as a complex synergy of social justice, ecological integrity, and economic vitality, applied across present and future generations.


What is a Shift to An Ecological, Regenerative New Paradigm?

Environmental Sociology advocates for a shift to an ecological paradigm that recognizes human-ecosystem interdependence and biological limits to the societal phenomena. Many people around the world see great danger in our current social paradigm’s desire for constant unconstrained growth. It is clear there is not endless bounty of resources and that growth should not be the driving force. Through the development and globalization, people around the world are using more resources than the earth can renew and therefore it is becoming clear that if we continue at current rates we will expend all our natural resources in trying to sustain our overpopulated world. Many Environmentalists and activists see the current crisis we face in overpopulation and environmental destruction of land and want large-scale changes in countries policies and institutions. Consumers are identifying that they must take responsibility for their consumer choices and buy only what they truly need, recognizing that the process of manufacturing, products brought into the store and then quickly thrown away must change. A real world solution to shift the dominant social paradigm is living in Ecovillages


What is an Ecovillage?

Ecovillages differ in size and culture but share the vision of establishing an intentional and sustainable community that values balancing both human needs and environmental preservation. Ecovillages share the goal of being self-sustaining, meaning they strive to grow their own food organically, practice natural building methods, use renewable energy sources and equally share resources among all community members. The Ecovillage movement values global interconnectedness, equality and solidarity. The ecovillage paradigm is not only different form the dominant western world-view but that it is an understanding of the world that is consciously articulated and embodied in ecovillage practices, relations and the physical setting itself. Ecovillagers are realists who are taking personal action to be as self-sufficient as possible.


What is an Intentional Community?

“Intentional communities are pioneers in sustainable living, personal and cultural transformation, and peaceful social evolution. “Intentional communities” include ecovillages, cohousing, residential land trusts, income-sharing communes, student co-ops, spiritual communities, and other projects where people live together on the basis of explicit common values.” (FIC) Our passion is promoting cooperative culture and sustainable living. That means providing the information and inspiration for those seeking community, forming communities, struggling with the challenges of community, and those who want to develop a greater sense of community where they are.



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