Urban Permaculture Garden Day
Pre-Blooming Biodiversity Launch Party
Join Blooming Biodiversity with the Urban Permaculture Institute San Francisco this Saturday, July 11th...
...for a beautiful Permaculture Garden Day with interactive workshops at Rhode Island Garden
Facilitated by David Cody, Partner & Co-Founder of the Urban Permaculture Institute of San Francisco www.UPISF.com
Work on mulch and straw for a big biomass smackdown on the garden with a big steaming pile (20 yards) of mulch! Participate in a pond workshop and process compost piles. David Cody will be offering mini-workshops on fruit tree pruning and grafting, sheet mulchingand other interesting stuff.
Site Location On Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/ZBvJw
Live acoustic performance by We The Ones!
Check out our website: BloomingBiodiversity.org
This event will be hosted by: Robin Liepman (Bloom), Anna Simone Combi (Anahata) and Sophia Fairweather. Bloom, Anahata and Sophia have facilitated community workshops and permaculture action days together in Costa Rica, Canada, California and beyond. We are co-organizers of the Blooming Biodiversity Tour, which is set to tour the West Coast this Fall, offering events that bring together communities in transformational celebration to learn and practice permaculture. Sophia and Anna are certified yoga teachers, tantra, and bodyworkers. Bloom is a Generation Waking Up facilitator. They have all studied eco-psychology, herbalism, and expressive arts. They have just completed the Earth Activist Training Permaculture Design Course taught by Starhawk and Charles Williams.