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Blooming Biodiversity Fall 2015 Tour Schedule


Portland Oregon 

11-12th: The Earth Heart Tour with Desert Dwellers & Kalya Scintilla ft. Eve Olution, The Star Theater, Portland, Oregon SOLUTIONARY PERAMCULTURE ZONE! 

13th: Tryon Life Community Farm, Portland, OR

14th: Lovina Farm  9311 SE Stanley Ave 8am-3pm Portland

15th: Jeans Farm 3707 SE Johnson Creek, 8am-3pm 
16th: Harvest Festival Peoples Co-Op SE, 2-9pm Portland

17th: Jeans Farm 3707 SE Johnson Creek, 8am-3pm

18th: Mark Lakeman's Planet Repair Institute 10am-3pm 

19th The Village Inspiration Convergence, Portland, OR



24th-25th: O.U.R. EcoVillage, Vancouver Island, BC

28-29th: Winged Heart Farm, Salt Spring Island, BC 



1st: Evergreen College, Olympia, WA

3rd: Lost Valley, Dexter, OR 

4th: Jackson Wellsprings, Ashland, OR

5th: Self and Soul Center, Talent, OR

        Concert at The ARC, Ashland, OR

6th: New Earth Farm, Ashland, OR

8th-11th: The Building Resilient Communities Permaculture Convergence, Hopland, CA  

14th: Occidental Arts and Ecology Center, Occidental, CA

15th: Permaculture Skills Center
16-18th: The Bioneers Conference

21-22nd: Celebration of the Elements with Nathan Standing Bear, Nevada City, CA  

24th: Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco, CA

26th: P.L.A.C.E. for Sustainable Living, Oakland, CA

27th: Green Gulch Zen Center, Muir Beach, CA

28th: Presidio Plant Nursery, San Francisco, CA

30th: Harbor High Grow Quad, Santa Cruz, CA


3rd: Henry Miller Library, Big Sur, CA

4th: Big Sur Nature Day, Big Sur, CA

6th: The City Farm, San Luis Obispo, CA  

7th: Branch Mill Organics, Arroyo Grande, CA

7th: Neighborhood Transformation Project, San Luis Obispo, CA

8th: Dia De Los Muertos, San Luis Obispo, CA

9th: East End Eden, Ojai, CA

10th: The Ojai Foundation, Ojai, CA  

11th: EcoTopia, Matilija Hot Springs, Ojai, CA

12th: Full Circle Farm, Ojai, CA

13th-15th: Blisstonia Festival, Texas

18th: Venice Community Garden, Los Angeles, CA
19th: University of the Redlands, Redlands, CA

20th-22nd: Boulder Gardens, Joshua Tree, CA

24th: Emerald Village, San Diego

25th: Celebration day and decompression

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