This is our envisioned outline for our tour schedule. We are open to integrating any suggestions and site locations you may have.
11-12th: The Earth Heart Tour with Desert Dwellers & Kalya Scintilla ft. Eve Olution, The Star Theater, Portland, Oregon
15-20th: Portland Oregon: Dignity Village, Ujima Center, Tryon Life Community Farm, and the Village Inspiration Convergence (18th-20th).
21st: Evergreen College, Olympia, WA
22nd: Seattle, Wa
24th: inSpiral Community Mansion, Vancouver, BC
25th: Many Hands Farm, Vancouver Island, BC
26-27th: O.U.R. EcoVillage, Vancouver Island, BC
29-30th: Winged Heart Farm, Salt Spring Island, BC
1st: Circle of Children, Triange Lake, OR
2nd: Quixote Village, Eugene, OR
3rd: Lost Valley, Dexter, OR
4th: Seven Seeds Farm, Williams, OR
5th: Opportunity Village, Ashland, OR
6th: Self and Soul Center & Love Revolution, Ashland, OR
7th: Jackson Wellsprings, Ashland, OR
8th-11th: Building Resilient Communities Convergence, Hopland, CA
12th: First Rain Farm, Nevada City, CA
13th: Common Vision, Nevada City, CA
14th: Occidental Arts and Ecology Center, Occidental, CA
15th: Commonweal Garden at the Regenerative Design Institute, Bolinas, CA
16-18th: The Bioneers Conference (with events at the Open Secret Bookstore and Spirit Rock Meditaiton Center) San Rafael, CA
19th: Green Gulch Meditation Center
20th: Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco, CA
21th: Presidio Plant Nursery, San Francisco, CA
22nd: Urban Permaculture Institute, San Francisco, CA
23rd: Gill Tracts Farm & Seed Lending Library, Albany, CA
24th: Urban Adamah, Berkeley, CA
25th: Urban Tilth, Richmond, CA
26th: P.L.A.C.E. for Sustainable Living, Oakland, CA
27th: Impact Hub Oakland, Oakland, CA
29th-30th: Santa Cruz, CA
2nd: Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
3rd: Henry Miller Library, Big Sur, CA
4th: Big Sur Nature Day, Big Sur, CA
6th: San Luis Obispo, CA
7th: San Luis Obispo, CA
8th: Loyola House, Santa Barbara, CA
9th: Ojai Foundation, Ojai, CA
10th: East End Eden, Ojai, CA
11th: Self Care Day, EcoTopia, Matilija Hot Springs, Ojai, CA
12th: Full Circle Farm, Ojai, CA
13th: Permaculture Reggae Music Fest, Ojai CA
14th: Event with Captain Charles Moore, Los Angeles, CA
15th: Venice Community Garden, Los Angeles, CA
16th: Manhattan Beach Holistic Living expo, Manhattan Beach, CA
17th: Manzanita School, Woodland Hills, CA
18th: Eco-Gaia Sangha, Los Angeles, CA
19th: University of the Redlands, Redlands, CA
20th: Boulder Gardens, Joshua Tree, CA
21st: Integratron, Joshua Tree, CA
22nd: Joshua Tree National Park
23rd: Yogananda Ashram, San Diego, CA
24th: Emerald Village, San Diego
25th: Celebration day and decompression!